An economical transportation card that protects your health and saves your bank account. Do you know about economical transportation cards? For those of you who dont know, we prepared it for you! Introduction to economical transportation cards, card types, usage instructions, related events, application methods, and mileage payment conditions! In addition, you can easily check the latest card news and QnA all at once in the app! You can check a variety of information quickly in one app without complicated searches. Check it out in the app right now!▶ A high-credit, economical transportation card supported by the government!- We have prepared information about economical transportation cards, such as introduction to economical transportation cards, card types, usage instructions, and related events! You can check various information about economical transportation cards in one app without complicated searches. Check out the types of economical transportation cards in the app right now!▶ Things to keep in mind when using economical transportation cards- You know about the economical transportation card and applied for it, but you don’t know what to keep in mind when using it? Do not worry! You can easily check it in the app!▶ Latest card news- You can easily check the latest news related to credit card companies by accessing the app without having to search! Aren’t you curious about what kind of news is being posted? If you’re curious, check it out in the app right now!▶ Q&A- Are you planning to apply for an economical transportation card and have a lot of questions, but dont know when you will receive an answer? Do not worry! For those people, we have compiled questions and answers that many people may be curious about in the app! Access the app and check out what questions are asked and what answers are provided!※ This app does not represent the government or government agencies.※ This app was created to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility. ※ Source: Economic Transportation Card (